About the project
My role
Creative Director
Art Director
We found out that Verizon was working on some very exciting innovations and solutions outside of the telecom world. They were more than just a phone company, they were a technology company. So we convinced them to join the ranks of IBM, Google and GE.
Powerful Answers was born and we got the opportunity to share some of Verizon's most amazing innovations with the world. Consumers noticed. As did Wall Street.
Powerful Answers
Inhale Exhale TV Spot
4th Generation TV Spot
Reef TV Spot
Long Way Home TV Spot
Urban Odyssey TV Spot
Powerful Answers – Case Study
Powerful Answers: The Series
To increase the volume of innovation for Verizon, we built an innovation pipeline for the campaign. CEO, Lowell McAdam committed 10 million in startup capital to support ideas that can change the world. The Powerful Answers Award was born and the competition was on.
We thought this would make a wonderful documentary so we traveled around the world filming the finalists throughout the competition until the winners were announced at the big event in Las Vegas at the 2014 CES.
Powerful Answers: The Series Trailer
Powerful Answers: Episode 1
Verizon believes that powerful technology can solve just about anything. We also believe that a good idea can come from anywhere. That’s why we are proud to announce the finalist of the Verizon Powerful Answers Award. Because no matter where the answers come from the world’s biggest challenges deserve even bigger solutions.
Powerful Answers: Episode 2
Episode 2 focuses on Zapitalism!, a simulation game that teaches students how to manage their money and expenses through running a business. Inspired by a passion to engender financial literacy, husband and wife co-creators, Steven (aka Captain Hoff) and Naomi Hoffman, developed the game at home and used the best beta testers in the world—their kids.
Powerful Answers: Episode 3
Episode 3 follows Cindy Halberlin, former trial attorney turned non-profiteer, as she shares her new life’s work, Good 360. Cindy and the Good 360 team created a disaster recovery portal, which facilitates donations to the victims of recent catastrophes. Their logistical genius helps ensure that the right goods are getting to the right people and not clogging up supply chains.
Powerful Answers: Episode 4
Episode 4 introduces scientist and father, Michael Gilbert, who founded semiosBIO to follow his passion for removing pesticides from the food we eat. He and his colleagues have invented a device that keeps insects from breeding in orchards by using one of nature’s secret weapons: pheromones.
Powerful Answers: Episode 5
Episode 5 tells the story of Billy Parish and Dan Rosen, founders of Mosaic, the first US online marketplace to offer solar investments to the public. Together with Verizon, they empower communities to invest in their own clean energy, helping them become the #1 investment platform for the new energy economy.
Powerful Answers: Episode 6
In episode 6 we meet Ilene Fischer, the first female engineer to have worked at the Department of Defense, and now, decades later, founder of WOMENLEAD, an innovative online platform that connects and empowers women professionals all over the world with the mentorship and support they need to keep forging ahead.
Powerful Answers: Episode 7
Episode 7 connects us with Dr. Divya Dhar who tells us that 100,000 deaths per year in the U.S. are caused by communication errors. This fact drove her to create Seratis—a patient-centered mobile platform that allows doctors to securely coordinate care through smartphones—saving dollars and lives.
Powerful Answers: Episode 8
In Episode 8, we meet Yaopeng Zhou and Marc Albanese, co-founders of Smart Vision Labs, who created a portable vision examination device that works with a smartphone, called an autorefractor. Now, by taking just a single picture, prescriptions and glasses can be handed out on the spot to people in need, bringing vision testing to places where it currently doesn’t exist.
Powerful Answers: Episode 9
Episode 9 introduces us to Howard Weinstein, founder of Solar Ear, a company that employs deaf and hearing-impaired people to manufacture solar powered, low cost hearing aids. In partnership with Verizon, Solar Ear created a portable hearing detection app that will allow an additional 80 million deaf and hearing-impaired people worldwide access to detection—and treatment—within the next five years.
Powerful Answers: Episode 10
Welcome to Las Vegas and to the annual CES event. Please join us at the Powerful Answers Award ceremony, where you’ll get to see which innovators best succeeded in combining ingenuity, technology and mobile connectivity to solve for some of the world’s toughest challenges. 1300 Entries. 30 Finalist. 15 Winners. Watch to see who get’s $1 million to make a powerful difference in the world of Healthcare, Education and Sustainability.
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